Photographer’s Tips On Selling Your Home

What’s the best way to prepare for a shoot?

Our clients’ time is important to us and we want to make sure that we get the best results possible. To make that happen, we’ve put together some tips and tricks that can save you time and help you get great pictures of your property.

We’re going to look at how best to prepare, room by room, but first let’s look at some general tips. Please vacuum and mop floors, make sure all lightbulbs are functional and remove rugs so that the audience can see the beautiful flooring. Another small tip is to remove personal photos so that your viewers don’t feel they’re intruding on someone else’s space. Don’t be afraid to declutter because less is certainly more.

In the kitchen, remove fridge magnets, store everything in cupboards out of sight, declutter and clean surfaces. Unplug any unnecessary cords and tidy open shelves so that everything looks neat. Dishes should be out of sight either in cupboards or the dishwasher, detergents should be stored and it gives an extra sense of space if draining racks are also out of view.

In the dining room, clear and wipe the table down, and straighten all the chairs surrounding it. You may be big on decoration but remember less is more when appealing to an audience, so limit decorative items to a single centrepiece.

For bedrooms, put away clothes and shoes, store toys/books and phone chargers and declutter everything, and remember to hide electronic cords. Make the beds, hide any clutter under them and check that the bedside lamps are working.

Let’s take a look at the living room now. Clutter is a big theme throughout this guide and the living room is no exception. Common things to put away include toys, TV remotes, and personal items such as photos and papers. Make sure books, movies and games and all neatly stored and, as always, make sure power cords are tucked out of sight. Remember to turn off the TV and as a final tip before leaving the room, make sure the pillows are straight.

The last room we’re covering in this guide is one of the most important, the bathroom. Remove all items from the counter tops and the shower and bath. Close the toilet lid, hide the toilet brush and holder, and the rubbish bin. Keep your towels out of sight and remove mats as well. Remember to wipe down surfaces, mirrors and any glass also.

Now, let’s think about outside. First, move cars and trailers out of the driveway and away from anywhere you want to photograph. Next, hide rubbish bins, toys and bikes, tidy up the pool area, neatly put the hose away and uncover any furniture. Now things are looking a little tidier, it’s time to mow the lawn. This will likely leave grass everywhere, so sweep the walkways and drive. Finally, neatly arrange everything that remains.

Don’t forget the pets! While some sellers may feel a dog makes a house feel like home, you don’t know whether your viewer is a dog person or not. So, hide any food and water bowls and tidy away toys throughout the home. And definitely clean up any dog poo from the garden.

You’re probably thinking that this is a lot of clutter to hide, and you might be right, so here’s a tip on where you can hide things. We rarely photograph the inside of cupboards, laundry rooms, pantries and garages, so those are all good places to hide your stuff.

For last minute preparations, turn on all your lights and lamps, tidy and open all curtains, move vehicles to the street, then take one last walk around to declutter. After that, we’ll take care of everything.

This is a lot of work but in return for this we promise you persuasive pictures that will have your audience imagining where their furniture belongs before they’ve even set foot inside your door.